Saturday, March 28, 2009

Dear Universe

"Dear Universe"

Let things come full circle.
I sacrificed and lost it all,
There's never been a greater fall,
Than the one I took for someone's sake
It's not the choice I wanted to make
But I did, now 12 months have passed
and I can still crack and break like glass
Memories so fragile, split piece by piece
What words can tame this lonely beast?

It's the smell of the pillow, taste of the air
The glowing eyes when I woke to her laying there
Hopeless romantics turn to remorseful lovers
With no answers to questions, asked of eachother
And a heart to defend now until the end
For what was once so safe, is frail and scared
To let someone in, to have reason to mend
I know that she's out there, living her life
Dear universe, take me back there so I can make this wrong right.

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